You want to assume as you possibly come into contact with so little technology and still take advantage of powerful tools, then recommend one-click solutions such as those of 1blu or 1 & 1. This can be relatively quickly select from the offered selection a finished website.
1und1 also offers specialized industry websites in which you are available from ready-made templates, the prefabricated for the respective industries, can select and have found your website done according to the supplier in five minutes. The same holds 1blue with its themed homepages alias 1blu-myPage ready, technically based on Joomla and have been extended by an additional 1blu own menu.
This one-click or industry or theme websites provide ready-made texts and images, as well as an appropriate menu structure and appropriate designs to choose from, you can even customize and also have – after all, you want to really stand out from competing pages. Modifications and customizations are possible, without the customer having to have technical knowledge.
Do you need a mail address matching the URL of your website? In general, you will answer this question with yes. No problem: An e-mail address is always included in the price of a web hosting package, you usually are even in the cheap packages many different email addresses.
In addition, ask the hoster security tools such as spam, virus and phishing protection available – with 1 & 1 is from the cheapest basic package of the case, all-incl collected for this protection, however in cheaper starting and private parcels separately. Also webmail functions are available everywhere, so you can check your mail with any browser. Likewise, a forwarding function should be included in the price.